About Us
Red Team Apologetics is a Christian apologetics group that focuses on engaging in thoughtful and strategic discussions about faith, theology, and the defense of Christian beliefs. The term "Red Team" typically refers to a group tasked with challenging and critically examining existing ideas, and this approach is applied to the realm of apologetics within this group.
Members of Red Team Apologetics are known for their commitment to intellectual rigor and open-minded exploration of various perspectives and objections to Christianity. They actively seek out opposing viewpoints and objections to their faith, aiming to better understand and respond to the questions and doubts that people may have about Christianity.
Who We Are
What is Red Team Apologetics?
Red Team Apologetics combines the practice of red teaming and the Christian discipline of Apologetics. It involves analyzing an ideology, error awareness, and giving biblical responses.
How does Red Team Apologetics "Refine The Response of the Believer?"
2nd Corinthians 10: 4-6 commands Christians to destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ. We deeply investigate ideologies that set themselves against the Bible, compare the doctrines to the Bible and allow Christians to provide a biblical response to these subjects.
What is Red Team Apologetics style Apologetics?
Red Team Apologetics analyzes and corrects any ideology contrary to God's word. This framework starts with general knowledge of the Bible and applying the appropriate corrections to any doctrine that sets itself up against it.
Our Speakers

Gabriel Phillips
Lead Apologist info@redteamapologetics.com

James Marshall

Kwame Dix
Lead Apologist info@redteamapologetics.com

Tony Williams
Lead Apologist