Support Red Team Apologetics
At Red Team Apologetics, we believe in refining the response of the believer. We provide opportunities for dialogue, discourse, or debate on topics that affect the everyday follower of Jesus Christ. Your support allows us to continue our mission and reach more people with the truth of the Gospel. Thank you for considering partnering with us in this way.
Ways to Support
Donate in Person
We would love to meet you! If you would like to donate in person, please visit us during our regular service times. We look forward to connecting with you.
Donate by Email
If you prefer to donate by email, please send an email to donations@redteamapologetics.com and we will provide you with further instructions.
Donate by SMS
To donate by SMS, simply text the word 'GIVE' to 555-1234. We will respond with further instructions. Thank you for your support.